
by Администратор Главный

Carnelian – a stone which is most directed to geniality and the love relations. Was considered that the owner of an amulet from this mineral strengthens own love, but at the same time remains it is protected from others love magic influences. It is known that carnelian has also medical qualities, there is even a special industry: carnelian therapy.

Medical and magical properties

The stone well influences on:

  • skin, purifying it from inflammations and reddenings;
  • brain vessels, including saves from migraines;
  • GIT;
  • urinogenital system.

Influence of carnelian strengthens nervous system and reduces stress level. Among magic qualities, besides love, it is worth remembering ability of a stone to protect from negative forces. In addition it strengthens memory, allocates with insight, brings success in affairs.

Myths and legends

Stories about origin of this stone are almost not told, but often say about how with its help to find the soulmate. The warm stone, on legends, awakens warm-heartedness and compassion, allows to look for the whole world differently. A powerful mascot for the owner, but twice better it works as an amulet for the family center.

Deposits of stone

Fields in India are most known, production is conducted in Brazil, Germany, Egypt, Uruguay. The mines are available in Ukraine, in Kazakhstan and Mongolia. It is rich in fields and Russia, especially it should be noted the mines in Eastern Siberia. In general, mineral is spread very widely.


by Администратор Главный

Tanzanite is an interesting stone discovered by mere accident and first classified as a sapphire. Numerous investigations confirmed at last that it was a different mineral. Its deep blue colour can improve eyesight and soothe nerves. The stone attracts wealth and success in career.

Healing and Magical Properties

In addition to its beneficial effect on eyes, tanzanite cures fever, reduces skin inflammation, dermatitis, and is good for joints and spine. There is an opinion that the stone helps to stay young.
Its magical properties are not limited to its influence on career advancement. The owner of tanzanite can achieve harmony in family relationship and develop psychic abilities. The stone is often recommended as a remedy for depression, as it gives strength to overcome emotional stress, get read of anxiety, uneasiness and bad thoughts.

Myths and Legends

In spite of the fact that tanzanit it is found not too long ago, its origin already gained mythical lines. The stone of surprising blue found the shepherd-masayem, according to locals, appeared in a mystical way. In hot and droughty summer the lightning fell from heaven. It was such force that turned the ordinary earth into gemstones. And was born tanzanit.

Deposits of stone

The only known place of its origin is Tanzania (Arusha Region), from which the stone derives its name.


by Администратор Главный

Topaz is a stone that has a special shine and a diverse range. It is Superhard and superduty. This stone endowed with both medicinal and magical properties. It was believed that the amulet of topaz is able to favorably affect conception. That`s why it was often given to childless couples. It is a stone of friendship and prudence, joy, optimism and hope.

Healing and magical properties

Blue topaz often became amulets of sailors, as it was believed that they are able to pacify the will of nature and protect from all sorts of sorrows in a long voyage. Golden topaz opened secret knowledge, and pink attracted love and helped in family relations. Any Topaz contribute to the sharpening of intuition, ignite faded feelings and help the owner to have win other people.
Among the healing properties are the following:

  • soothes the respiratory system for colds, prevents coughing and asthma attacks;
  • improves the taste of food, has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract;
  • boosts immune system capabilities;
  • calms the nervous system and treats mental disorders.

Myths and legends

One of the myths tells that Topaz is able to push its owner to a real physical and spiritual transformation. Stone can accumulate energy, and in one moment to allocate flash of light. It is such a flash that will completely melt both the body and the spirit, opening the way to a more perfect existence.

Stone deposits

The largest deposits are in Brazil and the United States, development is underway in Japan and Australia, there are a number of mines in Burma. In Russia, production is carried out in the Urals (Ilmen mountains) and Transbaikalia.


by Администратор Главный

Tourmaline – a multi-color stone which depending on a shade differs on the properties and qualities. It is known for favorable impact on an endocrine system and the general state of health. Mystics and magicians use it to concentrate during meditations. It is considered that tourmaline can serve as protection it negative pow

Medical and magical properties

Increasing immunity of the owner, tourmaline also:

  • well influences a dream;
  • prevents development of oncological diseases;
  • helps to restore blood circulation;
  • has positive effect on kidneys.

Special force is attributed to black tourmalines. They not only revitalize the owner, but also promote clarification of its aura.
It is necessary to distinguish from magic properties:

  • help to find the way to lives;
  • calm and give courage;
  • help to follow to the purpose;
  • fence off from a stream of powers of darkness.

Myths and legends

Many legends agree that tourmaline has extraterrestrial origin and is a peculiar moneybox of unique knowledge, having seized which, the person will be able to get up on other step of development. A certain divine mind left fine stones on the earth, hoping that the mankind will be able to learn wisdom.

Deposits of stone

The main fields are located in the territory of the USA, in Brazil, on the peninsula of Madagascar. There are mines in Russia, Transbaikalia and also in the Urals, in Africa, in Afghanistan and Australia.


by Администратор Главный

Fluorite is a mineral which is obliged by the name to surprising property: it can radiate light in the dark or when heating. Quite so it is possible to check whether you got the real stone. Mineral makes favorable impact on meteosensitive people and reduces pain. It is popular also with the people close to mysticism. It is capable to absorb the negative energy directed to the owner thereby protecting him.

Medical and magical properties

Fluorite well influences the people having epilepsy helps a cardiovascular system, normalizes pressure. With its help it is simpler to have stresses and nervous tension. The stone helps to calm down and fall asleep without nightmares, adjusts a dream rhythm. It is noticed that it significantly facilitates a state having multiple sclerosis.
The most part of curative properties of a stone is explained by existence in composition of fluorine. Actually, it provides a luminescence. In terms of mystical qualities, fluorite:

  • gives to the owner forces and it helps to be exempted from captivity of emotions;
  • allows to harmonize the relations with other people;
  • it is applied in the magic rituals designed to protect love feelings.

There is an opinion that the stone is capable to help the owner to see the future as opens the third eye.

Myths and legends

The interesting story is told about such kind of fluorite as "Blue John". This stone is got in England, on the mines located in Derbyshire. It is considered that surprising coloring is given to local fluorite draconian by breath. Dragons left to live under mountains after in their primordial habitats built church. Getters often call the same version a mountain flower.

Deposits of stone

China, Mongolia and Mexico can brag of the richest fields of mineral. In Russia it is got in Primorye, in Buryatia, in Siberia. The mines are also located in Spain, in the territory of the USA, in Norway and Italy. Several fields are located in Tajikistan.


by Администратор Главный

Chalcedony – a stone which found application in different spheres of life. Jewelry and hand-made articles, mortars for production of pharmaceutical medicines, a frame for pictures and embroideries and even a tile for bathtubs does not do without it. Chalcedony at sleep disorders helps, gives energy and returns cheerfulness. This mineral saves from melancholy and grief.

Medical and magical properties

Mineral is useful to hypertensive persons as it allows to normalize pressure. It strengthens a cardiovascular system, well influences a condition of nervous system, helping to be exempted from uneasiness and depressive frustration.
It is possible to distinguish the following from magic properties:

  • balances streams of vital energy,
  • helps women to find love and to keep the relations,
  • saves from a malefice and damage,
  • saves from negative power.
  • >

Myths and legends

The stone was called the keeper of the past. On legends, it is capable to accumulate in itself(himself) information and to store it years and years. That person who will be able to try a key to a stone will get access to all accumulated knowledge and will realize the potential.
In addition chalcedony gave the chance to get under a veil of secrecy that who dreamed to learn about own last embodiments. Learning circumstances of antecedents, the person receives a great gift. It can analyse the way and find points in which could change it.

Deposits of stone

The richest fields are located in India and Brazil. There are mines in Uruguay. In the territory of Russia production is conducted on Chukotka and in Siberia.


by Администратор Главный

People call peridot (Chrysolite) an “evening emerald” for its amazing changes in colour depending on the light source. There is a belief that Cleopatra loved this stone very much. Peridot (Chrysolite) powder is used to recover health, remove toxins from food and improve functioning of digestive system. Additionally, the mineral guards against dangers and helps to develop friendly relationships.

Healing and Magical Properties

Peridot (Chrysolite) is famous for the following healing properties:
  • it improves eyesight;
  • relieves pain caused by problems in digestive system, joints, by neuralgia and other diseases;
  • helps to overcome stammering;
  • has good effect on endocrine system;
  • is recommended for pregnant women to alleviate labour pains;
  • relieves sick headaches.

Peridot (Chrysolite) has a favourable effect on one’s state of mind, soothes and regulates sleeping hours.
The stone is not lacking in magical properties. It keeps house safe from fires, gives the owner strength and confidence, protects from dangers and scheming enemies. Besides, it helps to get rid of bad dreams, to develop insight and reveal one’s abilities.

Myths and Legends

There are not so many myths associated with this mineral. Egyptian miners worked only at night, as they believed that in the daylight the stone could hide from the eyes of peridot (Chrysolite)-hunters. Some legends say that peridot (Chrysolite) helps to reveal one’s talents.

Deposits of stone

The stone can be found in Egypt, USA, Pakistan and Vietnam, Mexica and Burma. There are mines in Russia (Yakutia), Mongolia and Australia.


by Администратор Главный

Chrysoprase – a surprising stone which brings to the owner good luck and helps to achieve a victory. Its curative forces are long since noted by the person, especially recommend mineral to those who suffer from deterioration in sight or other eye diseases. It preserves a dream of the owner and protects from a malefice.

Medical and magical properties

Chrysoprase improves a metabolism, jewelry with this stone gives forces and cheerfulness. It helps to cope with the illnesses of organs of vision, improves a condition of endocrine glands, reduces a pain syndrome at rheumatism and migraine.
The stone is capable to improve a psychoemotional state, to push to an exit from a depression, to save from disturbing dreams. Also it prevents spasms.
Among magic properties it is worth mentioning:

  • help in business and affairs;
  • attraction of good luck;
  • protection against a negative, slander and malefice.

Chrysoprase in the house brings rest and a pacification, allows to improve the relations and to strengthen friendship.

Myths and legends

The fact that the stone brings a victory proves a historic fact: Alexander of Macedon relied on the chrysoprase mascot and everywhere carried it with himself. The stone served it for many years, it was set in a belt which the commander took off only when bathing. Once in a campaign Alexander decided to bathe in the river, and the belt with an amulet left ashore. The snake dumped it in water, having deprived of the commander of magic protection. Soon after this case he was seriously ill.

Deposits of stone

The mines where mineral is extracted, are concentrated in Western Australia in the territory of the USA, in Brazil. There are fields in Germany, Kazakhstan, Poland.


by Администратор Главный

Zircon – a semiprecious stone which, despite the name ("zircon" came from the Persian zargun that "zolotisny" means), happens the most different shades. It has the unsurpassed refracting features comparable only with diamond in a brilliant facet. In the east these stones stand nearby.
Main subspecies:

  • a hyacinth (from brown to bright red and light pink),
  • starlit (calcinating does zircon of a bright blue shade),
  • яргон (still I call it a slang, it is zircon of yellow color).

Medical and magical properties

From antiquity zircon was considered as a stone of wisdom and the power. It was carried by influential people who wanted to distinguish better a lie, to see the future and to become more observant. Was considered also that zircon allocates with an intuition, helps to find wealth and develops memory.
Among doctors there is an opinion that color of zircon has the defining value at impact on the person. So, diseases of a liver, a stomach and elevated pressure demand yellow zircon. Blue will help to restore a thyroid gland and promotes treatment of a pancreas, the same shade facilitates a state at brain tumors. Black will increase immunity and resilience to viruses.

Myths and legends

Zircon was widely known in the territory of Europe and at the time of the Middle Ages. It was considered an imperfect kind of diamond, called a mantarsky stone as exactly there on Ceylon and found. In the eighteenth century Martin Heinrich Klaprot made the chemical analysis of zircon and is established, at last, that it is a separate type of a stone.
Magicians and exorcists use zircon for protection against evil spirits. Courtesans of France, since the end of the seventeenth century – for maintaining sincere purity.
Zircon, as well as some other stones, is from the ancient country of Lemuriya which is not on cards for a long time. There it was considered as a powerful magic artifact.

Deposits of stone

Are found by the most part of a deposit of zircon on the island of Sri Lanka, fields are available in Thailand, Vietnam and on the peninsula of Madagascar. Some types are got in the territory of the USA, a number of the mines is in Norway, Brazil, the production is conducted in Canada, Australia and Russia.


by Администратор Главный

Citrine is a stone widely used for inlay-work in the past. It helped to cure digestive diseases. People have known the golden-yellow stone for a long time and valued it as an amulet bringing good luck.

Healing and Magical Properties

Its healing effect on digestive system is not the only useful property. Wearing citrine jewelry soothes nerves and is beneficial for general health improvement. Certain properties of the stone are recognized by magic tradition:

  • positive impact on human energy field;
  • attraction of good luck, wealth and fame;
  • help in avoiding unprofitable deals;
  • support in estimation and rational use of one’s strength.

Healing and Magical Properties

Citrine jewelry provided protection from snake and scorpion bites, as well as magic spells and the evil eye.
A beautiful legend explains people’s belief in citrine’s power to clear the way for lovers by removing any obstacles. Once a Spanish conquistador fell in love with a daughter of an Indian chief, when he saw her on the shore of America. The girl charmed the Spaniard, and he was going to make her his wife. Though the chief did not mind and even offered a land plot as a wedding gift, the conquistador had doubts. The feeling of being unfaithful to his nation haunted him. However, the girl came to him with a large citrine in her hands and dispelled contradictions from his mind. After their marriage, citrine deposits were discovered in the land that the Spaniard had got from his wife’s father as a gift.

Deposits of stone

Brazil produces most of the stones in the world. Besides, there are citrine fields in USA, on Iberian Peninsula and Madagascar. Russian deposits of the mineral are located in Ural.