
by Администратор Главный

Marcasite – the stone which was once called drop silver was faceted definitely. It is considered that the crystals left in the room disseminate negative energy, and jewelry multiplies strength of the owner. Besides he helps to cure spleen diseases.

Medical and magical properties

Medicinal properties attributed to this mineral a little, however it is established that it really positively influences a condition of a spleen. In addition the crushed crystals use for treatment of some skin diseases.
Magic properties of a stone are mysterious. The ability to protect from negative energy, especially children therefore several hand-made articles or crystals are recommended to have in children's bedrooms is attributed to it. In addition, marcasite serves as the bridge between the past and reality in a magic ceremony.
Carrying marcasite favorably influences internal forces of the owner, making active them, promotes success in affairs, resolute changes. Ancient alchemists called it fiery.

Myths and legends

Magic properties of mineral were described in legends of Inca. They made marcasite mirrors by means of which could communicate with the gods. On legends, jewelry with this stone allowed Cleopatra to keep beauty and youth.

Deposits of stone

The stone is got:

  • in South Ural;
  • in Tula region;
  • in mountains of Central Ural Mountains;
  • in Germany;
  • in the Czech Republic,
  • in the territory of the USA.


by Администратор Главный

Morganite - it is pink beryl which is also called vorobyevit. For the first time it was discovered in California. It helps to restore forces at exhaustion, well influences human mentality. Pushes the owner to self-improvement and promotes awakening of a creative power. Products from this mineral and ornament are capable to push the child to knowledge and help with training.

Medical and magical properties

Litoterapevta note that the stone is capable:

  • to alleviate spiritual and physical suffering;
  • improves a condition of nervous system;
  • strengthens heart and walls of vessels;
  • promotes simplification of course of gynecologic diseases;
  • reduces pain syndromes at diseases of a backbone and joints.

Morganite attracts good luck and helps the owner on a course of life. For the family relations one of the best mascots maintaining harmony and rest. Gives an opportunity to realize secret desires, allocates the owner with responsiveness. Was considered that amulets with morganity promote a prize in lawsuits and aggravate reason.

Myths and legends

Buddhists believed that pink beryl is a gift of heaven. All wisdom of the Universe consists in a six-sided stone, Buddhist monks said, to solve secrets of all real only the one who is capable to find such crystal will be able and to get its support.

Deposits of stone

Today the stone is got in the Urals, in the USA and Brazil, on the peninsula of Madagascar, in the People's Republic of China. There are mines in Afghanistan, in Zimbabwe. Some fields are located in Mozambique and on Elba Island.


by Администратор Главный

People have known opal since ancient times and attributed many magical properties to this noble stone. It appears in different colours: over 100 varieties can be identified. The stone was used to protect the owner from the evil eye and bad spell, from negative influences, to relieve sick headaches. As a talisman, it could keep wicked powers and maladies away from a child..

Healing and Magical Properties

Opal is especially beneficial for mental health: it may help one out of depression, balance one’s state of mind. Those who have problems with sleep can get rid of nightmares and insomnia. Opal drives obsessions and phobias away. It also improves heart performance, vision, and is a good remedy for headaches.
Opal is noted for the following magical properties:

  • stirring up creative power;
  • transforming the environment
  • protecting from magic spell;
  • bringing back rational thinking.
The stone assists in forming a harmonious attitude to the world.

Myths and Legends

Mystic origin has always been ascribed to opals. Australians believed that a divinity had come down to Earth to teach people, and where its feet touched the ground colourful shining stones remained. Another legend was told in India. The goddess of rainbow, who possessed an unusual beauty, was adored by men so much that they kept pursuing her. Trying to escape them the goddess fell down, and as she hit the ground, she turned into multicoloured opals.

Deposits of stone

Most of the stones come to the market from mines in Australia and Ethiopia. Besides, opals can be found in Transbaikal, Chukotka, Primorye Region. Opal fields are developed in Brazil, Honduras, USA.

Mother of pearl

by Администратор Главный
Mother of pearl

Mother of pearl – mineral which in essence is not a stone is the internal surface of sinks processed in a special way. Scale is many-sided — from white-blue to golden-brown. Differs in fragility. It is considered that mother of pearl prolongs life and saves from diseases. Brings wealth and prosperity to the house.

Medical and magical properties

And today recognize that mother of pearl has the rejuvenating properties. It is added to the cosmetics which are well influencing skin and stopping aging processes. By means of this mineral bleach skin that is very much appreciated in the Asian countries. Also mother of pearl favorably influences organs of hearing.
Mascots and jewelry with mother of pearl help to strengthen the immune system, to calm nerves and to increase the general working capacity.
Besides that mother of pearl brings welfare to the house, attribute it also other magic properties:

  • keeps the harmonious relations between partners;
  • pushes to be engaged in creativity;
  • protects from evil spirits.

There are certificates that the water nastaivayemy on mother of pearl becomes curative.

Myths and legends

Mother of pearl accompanied mankind many millennia. Finishing is found by it also in tombs of Pharaohs, and in ancient Romans. It is considered that Neron ordered facing of walls of own palace this material.

Deposits of stone

Production of sinks happens on the coast of Japan, in the Red Sea, on Philippines, in the Persian Gulf. Besides, they are lifted from a bottom on Ceylon.

Smoky Quartz

by Администратор Главный
Smoky Quartz

Smoky quartz also known as rauchtopaz. Earlier it was used in a jewelry, at an embroidery of pictures, for magic rituals. Its influence on the owner becomes noticeable at once — the person calms down and becomes judicious, easier leaves depressions. It was often used in love spells, plots or for communication with the world of spirits.

Medical and magical properties

Conjectural spheres from smoky quartz were considered as the strongest magic attribute. In addition stone:

  • awakens imaginations and helps to attract admirers;
  • gives courage and firmness on a course of life;
  • gives the chance to communicate with the dead;
  • raises a libido and sexual power.

Medicinal properties of mineral are as follows:

  • normalizes work of a GIT and adrenal glands;
  • calms nervous system;
  • removes pain attacks;
  • saves from thoughts of suicide and intensifies vital processes.

Besides everything listed smoky quartz can load with positive energy water favorable power.

Myths and legends

Smoky quartz was called dreaming or a stone of force. It was subject not to any magician and allowed to carry out rituals. However that who seized by force of a stone and received its arrangement he allowed to use difficult plots and paternosters, to travel around dreams and to talk freely to spirits and deceased.

Deposits of stone

In Russia Dodo's field is got in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, the mines exist in Brazil, the USA, are located on Madagascar. In Europe fields are available in Scotland and Switzerland.


by Администратор Главный

Rhodochrosite is a mineral which was found for the first time by Inca. They considered that the stone has magic properties and is capable to cure of a disease. Today mineral often use for meditative the technician and harmonizations of the atmosphere in the house by the principles the hair dryer-shuy. Rhodochrosite releases the hidden memoirs, helps to find the way to lives.

Medical and magical properties

Litoterapevta say that use of rhodochrosite saves from different diseases, it:

  • promotes treatment from eczema, psoriasis, anemia;
  • restores pressure;
  • helps at diseases of joints;
  • cleans a liver;
  • favorably influences nervous system;
  • pushes to an exit from a depression;
  • strengthens a cardiovascular system, etc.

Magic properties first of all connect with restoration of peace of mind. Receiving a mascot from rhodochrosite, the person feels how the negative recedes and instead of it the stream of joy and light force comes. Mineral protects from a lie and helps to improve the relations with people.

Myths and legends

Rhodochrosite is called a love stone. There is a beautiful legend of the powerful wizard living deeply underground. He was not a person and climbed to the surface very seldom, hardly more than once in a decade. Once he met in forests at a foot of its mountains of marvelous beauty the woman. That was favourably ready and agreed to go down under the earth where celebrated a wedding. However she so loved sunlight and the blossoming glades that the magician had to create for it stone flowers that she could wait quietly for that moment when they are able to rise to the surface together again.

Deposits of stone

Rhodochrosite of diverse shades is extracted worldwide. Fields are located in the Ural Mountains, Kazakhstan. Production is conducted in Argentina, in the territory of the USA, in Japan, Mongolia, China. There are mines in Australia, Yugoslavia, Romania.

Rose Quartz

by Администратор Главный
Rose Quartz

Rose quartz – a heart stone. He received such name for ability to bring a pacification and love. He gives sympathy and deep understanding of harmony of the world. He is not deprived and of medicinal properties. It is a mascot for attraction in life of deep feelings and finding of family happiness.

Medical and magical properties

The stone protects from vital disorders and adversities and also has curative forces:

  • purifies skin, pushes to natural rejustarts regeneration processes;
  • normalizes work of a cardiovascular system;
  • helps work of kidneys;
  • favorably influences brain activity.

Magic properties are in many respects connected with interpersonal relationship. Besides, it promotes a pacification and gives tranquility. It adds to women of a charm and gives to men longevity.
Mascots for strengthening of friendly relations and cutting off of bad influence are used.

Myths and legends

Rose quartz in some cultures is called a gift of gods which is capable to attract true love and does not allow the owner to plunge into false hobby. On other legends it is the hardened juice of young Earth. Contact with it promises to teach harmonious relationship with the whole world, with wildlife.

Deposits of stone

In Russia the main fields are located in the Subpolar Urals, in Altai and in Karelia. Besides, the mines are in the USA, production is conducted in Germany, Japan. Samples on Madagascar, in the south of Africa and in Brazil are got.


by Администратор Главный

Ruby is a very beautiful and noble gemstone. It not only represents wealth, but also can be used as a protective amulet. Special attention is drawn to the so-called “star” rubies – during cutting of such ruby one can see peculiar divergent rays. For a long time this mineral has been used for treating wide variety of diseases. In addition, it was a symbol of passion; this gemstone could enhance the demonstration of the forcefulness of the owner and awakened psychic powers.

Medical and magical properties

It was considered that ruby has a beneficial effects on the following systems of the body:

  • G. I. tract;
  • vision;
  • cardiovascular system;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous systems.

It helped to stop epileptic seizures, treated the lingering tonsillitis and withdrew from prolonged depression. In addition, the gemstone had a beneficial effect on appetite, relieved the fatigue and returned to normal sleep.
A ruby protected the owners from the negative energy and magical rituals that were performed over them. It was believed that it was able to protect from natural disasters. The mineral gave courage, amplify the attraction and gave passionate love.

Myths and legends

There are many legends and myths about rubies, many of them connect this stone with divine powers. In Islamist traditions it is said that the rubies are that stones that the fourth heaven was made of. In the Christian religion it was often suggested that the ruby had the power of all other stones.

Deposits of stone

The mines with a ruby are located in every corner of the globe except Antarctica. The highest prices are for gemstones from East Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, as well as Tanzania, Kenya. The quality of Tajik rubies is also very impressive to experts.


by Администратор Главный

Sapphire – is a variety of the corundum. Stones of different shades were attributed different properties. Blues were most often associated with power. Star sapphires are especially valued. This mineral is often called the stone of heaven and is correlated with the divine gift. They are given to pacify human passions and strengthen the will.

Healing and magical properties

In the East, it was believed that the sapphire is a stone of friendship. It was given other meanings, such as chastity and purity. It is believed that sapphire will always help the owner to distinguish lies, harmonize family relations and strengthen love ties.
Among the therapeutic properties are the following::

  • beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system,
  • ability to prevent asthma attacks,
  • help with diseases of the urinary tract or gynecology,
  • improving the condition of diabetics.

Sapphire calms the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on epileptics, allows to calm the mind and reduces anxiety.

Myths and legends

Many cultures have a variety of myths about sapphire. They all somehow agree on one thing: the stone is a gift of the gods, the embodiment of heavenly blue and purity. The Indians say that man once turned to the gods. He asked to show people what the seventh heaven is. And then one of the gods took a whole bowl of divine nectar and sprinkled it on the ground. So there were sapphires.

Stone deposits

The most famous mines are in the Madagascar, India, as well as located in Tanzania. There are many deposits of stone, and they are scattered almost all over the globe except Antarctica, but not all of them are remarkable. Large stones are mined on the island of Ceylon or in Burma.


by Администратор Главный

Serafinit - it is the iridescent stone which is positively influencing a mental condition of the person. This mineral was considered a gift of seraphs, shestikryly angels and therefore attributed it medicinal properties and applied in magic practicians. There is an opinion that he is capable to enhance a number of natural qualities, for example, modesty and firmness, love and mercy.

Medical and magical properties

By serafinit influenced on:
  • cardiovascular system;
  • skin;
  • nervous system;
  • upper airways.

The stone allowed to reduce headaches and to reduce the frequency of attacks of migraine, to stop skin aging processes, to normalize pressure, etc.
It was widely used in magic rituals. Helped to concentrate and understand himself. There is an opinion that most of all it suits people who devote themselves to service to God, that who decided to be engaged in public affairs, to heal or learn. He brings to the owner welfare, protects the house from evil forces and natural disasters.

Myths and legends

The legend says that in those days when communication between people and angels was stronger, seraphs with six wings often went down on the earth. However times changed, and angels came more and more seldom. That people did not forget about them at all, they left a surprising stone on the earth, peering into which, it is possible to see their hopes which are poured in color wings. Sometime angels to return again, and serafinit again will become feathers from their wings.

Deposits of stone

The most large-scale deposits are located in the Ural Mountains, however production is conducted in the countries of Europe (Spain, Greece, Switzerland, Scotland, etc.), in Russia (Baikal) and also in the territory of the USA, in Japan, in Pakistan and Korea.