
by Администратор Главный

People call peridot (Chrysolite) an “evening emerald” for its amazing changes in colour depending on the light source. There is a belief that Cleopatra loved this stone very much. Peridot (Chrysolite) powder is used to recover health, remove toxins from food and improve functioning of digestive system. Additionally, the mineral guards against dangers and helps to develop friendly relationships.

Healing and Magical Properties

Peridot (Chrysolite) is famous for the following healing properties:
  • it improves eyesight;
  • relieves pain caused by problems in digestive system, joints, by neuralgia and other diseases;
  • helps to overcome stammering;
  • has good effect on endocrine system;
  • is recommended for pregnant women to alleviate labour pains;
  • relieves sick headaches.

Peridot (Chrysolite) has a favourable effect on one’s state of mind, soothes and regulates sleeping hours.
The stone is not lacking in magical properties. It keeps house safe from fires, gives the owner strength and confidence, protects from dangers and scheming enemies. Besides, it helps to get rid of bad dreams, to develop insight and reveal one’s abilities.

Myths and Legends

There are not so many myths associated with this mineral. Egyptian miners worked only at night, as they believed that in the daylight the stone could hide from the eyes of peridot (Chrysolite)-hunters. Some legends say that peridot (Chrysolite) helps to reveal one’s talents.

Deposits of stone

The stone can be found in Egypt, USA, Pakistan and Vietnam, Mexica and Burma. There are mines in Russia (Yakutia), Mongolia and Australia.