
by Администратор Главный

Iolite is a stone which call by the different names: water sapphire, blue nephrite, lynxes sapphire. The semiprecious stone fascinated by iridescent shades blue and violet. Still Vikings considered that it helps to find a way. It is useful and to health, for example, at migraines. And, above all, gives to the owner an impetus to self-realization.

Medical and magical properties

The iolite is useful to those who dream to overcome alcohol addiction. Besides, it:

  • it is capable to clean a liver;
  • calms nervous system, helps to overcome nervous breakdowns;
  • reduces puffiness, purifies blood, facilitates paralysis;
  • removes heat at fever;
  • normalizes the dream mode, especially if the person dreamed nightmares;
  • an eye takes off fatigue;
  • improves brain activity;
  • normalizes exchange processes.

From the magic point of view, exempts the owner from fears and releases creative potential, allows to cope better with emotional heat, to concentrate attention. Can act as the assistant for harmonization of the family relations. Develops talents of the owner.

Myths and legends

According to legends, the iolite allowed Vikings to reach Greenland because patches of light especially pass through a stone and give the chance to define parts of the world even if the sun is hidden behind clouds. A violaceous stone — as still called an iolite — it was capable to return hope to desperate.

Deposits of stone

It is got in India, the mines are also located in Sri Lanka, on Madagascar, are available in Great Britain. Small sites of fields are found in the territory of the USA. There are the same in Russia (Yakutia) and Canada.