
by Администратор Главный

Diopside is rich in shades, and received such name for diversity. The stone cleans the power field of the person from a negative, stimulates work of heart. It was appreciated by mystics and magicians the whole scale of merits.

Medical and magical properties

It is known that carrying diopside promotes improvement of work of a cardiovascular system and interferes with a heart attack, protects from stenocardia and emergence of atherosclerotic plaques. Carry it and as prevention and treatment of diseases of a respiratory system. Besides, it helps the best digestion of food.
The stone well influences nervous system and is capable to improve a condition of the people suffering from a depression.
Among the most known magic properties it is possible to specify such:

  • consciousness clarification,
  • restoration of power balance,
  • clairvoyance.

It is considered that diopside helps to interpret signs and to cause sympathy in people.

Myths and legends

From Slavic ancestors legends reached that the diopside crystal hidden in a bag helped witch doctors to collect right herbs. Besides, thanks to influence of a stone travelers did not go astray, did not wander in the forest. People trusted, as on roads of life diopside will conduct the owner only in the right direction.

Deposits of stone

Generally diopside is extracted in India. Fields are available in Altai, in the field of Baikal region and in some other regions of Russia. Hromdipsida called by the Siberian emeralds are got in Yakutia. Yellow stones are characteristic of the mines of the USA, gentle-blue and lilacky are got in Italy. In addition, production is carried out in Sri Lanka, Canada, Pakistan.

Silver rings with narural chrome diopside

Silver earrings with narural chrome diopside

Silver jewelry with narural chrome diopside


by Администратор Главный

Pearls – mineral of animal origin, as gives it unusual properties and qualities. It is the fine indicator of health: it grows dull if the disease begins. In many cultures was a symbol of wellbeing, beauty and support from mystic forces.

Medical and magical properties

Besides that pearls will be able to warn the owner about approach of a disease, it has also other qualities:

  • improves memory and stabilizes work of nervous system;
  • allows to restore work of a liver;
  • helps to work to kidneys;
  • stabilizes arterial blood pressure;
  • it is applied to treatment of sight.

Attribute to pearls a set of properties — he protects from enemies and thieves, pacifies, saves from love sufferings, helps with business and protects from gossips. In different cultures he acts as a fidelity symbol in marriage, fertility, longevity. Guarantees wellbeing.

Myths and legends

Pearls were connected with Aphrodite who left ocean waves, but besides this there is a set of another stories, not less poetical and beautiful. For example, Kalidas's poet told that pearls are the clean drops of rain water caught by nacreous shutters of mollusks. Having caught a drop, those fall by a seabed and turn it into a firm roundish pearl.

Deposits of stone

Depending on subspecies, pearls are extracted:

  • freshwater — today receive on farms, it is widespread also in the nature in many countries;
  • oceanic — is most often got in Hawaii, in Australia and Indonesia, highly appreciated most;
  • sea — is generally delivered from China.


by Администратор Главный

Emerald — is the jewel, the symbol of the goddess Isis. The Greeks considered it as a stone of shining, in many cultures it became a symbol of hope and wisdom. Emerald is not devoid of medicinal qualities, it has antibacterial properties and is able to purify water.

Healing and magical properties

Among the healing qualities should be distinguished:

  • helps to get rid of headaches;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • treats joint diseases;
  • helps with diseases of the genitourinary system.

The most remarkable among magical properties is ability to help the owner beat the evil propensities. In addition, emerald promotes loyalty and cleanses the aura. It is believed that the stone is the protector of family ties. It helps to overcome the negative impact.
In séances, the stone was used for establishing more reliable communication with the spirits.

Myths and legends

There are many myths about the emerald. In addition to the mention in the biblical texts, where it is said that this stone fell from the crown of Lucifer, there are others storeis about the mineral`s origin. The Incas had an emerald goddess called Umina. In Egypt, the emerald was a symbol of Isis, and therefore symbol of motherhood and fertility.

Stone deposits

Today, the main production is concentrated in Zambia, Brazil and Colombia. In addition, deposits are available in South America, Europe and Africa. The mineral is also mined in the Ural Mountains, there are mines in Madagascar, in Ghana, in Australia. Small deposits were discovered in Afghanistan, Austria, and Norway.


by Администратор Главный

Iolite is a stone which call by the different names: water sapphire, blue nephrite, lynxes sapphire. The semiprecious stone fascinated by iridescent shades blue and violet. Still Vikings considered that it helps to find a way. It is useful and to health, for example, at migraines. And, above all, gives to the owner an impetus to self-realization.

Medical and magical properties

The iolite is useful to those who dream to overcome alcohol addiction. Besides, it:

  • it is capable to clean a liver;
  • calms nervous system, helps to overcome nervous breakdowns;
  • reduces puffiness, purifies blood, facilitates paralysis;
  • removes heat at fever;
  • normalizes the dream mode, especially if the person dreamed nightmares;
  • an eye takes off fatigue;
  • improves brain activity;
  • normalizes exchange processes.

From the magic point of view, exempts the owner from fears and releases creative potential, allows to cope better with emotional heat, to concentrate attention. Can act as the assistant for harmonization of the family relations. Develops talents of the owner.

Myths and legends

According to legends, the iolite allowed Vikings to reach Greenland because patches of light especially pass through a stone and give the chance to define parts of the world even if the sun is hidden behind clouds. A violaceous stone — as still called an iolite — it was capable to return hope to desperate.

Deposits of stone

It is got in India, the mines are also located in Sri Lanka, on Madagascar, are available in Great Britain. Small sites of fields are found in the territory of the USA. There are the same in Russia (Yakutia) and Canada.


by Администратор Главный

Kyanite — a blue stone, however depending on the content of impurity of metals maybe other shades. It rather rare and beautiful, some crystals have effect of "a cat's eye". It is considered that the stone promotes improvement of the general condition of the person, allows to remain faithful and allocates the owner with modesty.

Medical and magical properties

Kyanite is useful to those who often have a stress as he is capable to increase the general vitality and brain activity. In stressful situations and at insomnia the stone helps to improve considerably a state and to calm down. Kyanite influences cellular metabolism, helps during diseases of a bladder and kidneys.
It is necessary to distinguish the following from magic properties:

  • helps to achieve the objectives and to choose the correct way to lives;
  • directs the owner to glory and wealth;
  • promotes career development;
  • preserves against envious persons and it is weaved;
  • helps to become more judicious if the person is inclined to risky actions;
  • pushes to knowledge, helps to study.

Myths and legends

About this mineral there are many beautiful legends. Kenyans call it "god's eye". Was considered that, suspended on a human hair, Kyanite will always specify the right direction to the traveler. In China there is a beautiful myth how demons burned lands, and gods had to revive them for what they disseminated seeds. Not all seeds could ascend as if fell asleep, and these sleeping grains of divine revival became Kyanites.

Deposits of stone

There are mines in the USA, however there this stone was recognized as strategically important, and it practically does not get on the market. A number of the mines is available in Nepal and also Karelia. In the Ural Mountains there is a field too, developments are conducted on the Kola Peninsula and in the Arkhangelsk region.


by Администратор Главный

Corals are skeletons from sea inhabitants who form colonies on reeves. They can be various shades — about 350, but the main consider red, nacreous, black, white, pink and blue (akkora). Medicinal properties of "a sea flower" have the evidence. Wearing jewelry with corals promotes blood circulation improvement, purifies skin. Long since was considered that coral jewelry drives away evil forces and spares happy life.

Medical and magical properties

It is possible to distinguish the following from medicinal properties:

  • memory improvement;
  • normalization of a metabolism;
  • beneficial influence on integuments.

Wearing a coral beads lightens vitality and the mood.
Magic properties are as follows:

  • white and nacreous corals favorably influence female power;
  • red suit men, do them resolute, persistent, enhance male lines;
  • the presented stones become a symbol of welfare and happy life;
  • protect the owner from influence of powers of darkness.

Myths and legends

One of legends of corals belongs to the Greek epos, namely, concerns the myth about a jellyfish to the Gorgon. The poisonous Gorgon killed with a look, and her blood was capable to turn live to stone too. When Perseus beheaded it, blood got on the seaweed growing at the coast. Those hardened and became blood-red. From here and the Greek name – a gorgeana.

Deposits of stone

Production of corals is manufactured in Japan and Australia, on the Malay Archipelago, in the Mediterranean Sea. Fields are available in the Bay of Biscay, for the coast of Taiwan, near the Canary Islands, near Turkey, Algeria and on the coast of Sardinia.


by Администратор Главный

Labradorite – a stone which called before a peacock eye. Surprisingly iridescent, it fascinated people since the beginning of times. There are several versions: the ox-eye, tavusit, the black moon, lynxes of eyes, spektrolit. Was considered that the stone protects the owner from troubles, both from people, and from powers of darkness. He helped to recover from injuries and treated infertility.

Medical and magical properties

There is a lot of medicinal properties attributed to this mineral:

  • cures articulate pains at arthritises or arthroses;
  • helps to improve a condition of nervous system;
  • improves functioning of an urinogenital system, removes stones and sand;
  • improves fertile function;
  • favorably affects sight;
  • promotes memory improvement.

It is proved that jewelry with this stone promotes a metabolism and helps to be restored quicker.
The stone and magic properties is not deprived: it not only can become a good protective charm, but also helps to find the hidden talents. Labradorite helps eager to find love, promotes advance on a career ladder, especially favorably influences people of creative professions. Harmonizes the atmosphere in the house.

Myths and legends

One of myths presented to labradorite the additional name — a giperboreysky rainbow. Inhabitants of Giperborei, the most powerful civilization, looked after people, then not having any civilization yet. They presented splinters of an iridescent stone to the cave person. Hyper Boreas its beauty died from a natural cataclysm, but, the power and a creative power were put into crystals which can present to the owner a particle of the lost knowledge.

Deposits of stone

Besides the mines on the island of Labrador, the stone is got in the Himalayas, in the north of Europe, in Dominican Republic. There are mines and in Australia.

Lapis lazuli

by Администратор Главный
Lapis lazuli

Lapis lazuli – a heavenly stone which differs in the cleanest blue shade. Traditionally it is considered that he answers only white magicians, that is that at whom thoughts are pure and heart is noble. Lazuritovy powder was used as protection against poisons, jewelry with this mineral helped at a number of diseases, improved a metabolism. As the gift, Lapis lazuli means sincere arrangement and complacency.

Medical and magical properties

In the east a beads from Lapis lazuli protected pregnant women from complications and abortions. A stone restored sight, treated for exhaustion, improved a condition of hair, skin and nails.
It is considered that the stone contributes to normalization of pressure, improvement of a dream, saves from nightmares and neurosises. He helps patients with asthma, removes painful symptoms at radiculitis. Some types, for example, got in Afghanistan help healing of ulcers, as on skin, and internal.
Refer to magic properties:

  • just as Lapis lazuli cleans food and drink from poison, it cleans also aura of the person;
  • saves from the besieging evil thoughts and raises a tone;
  • helps to experience offense;
  • protects from negative impact from other people;
  • helps to make the right decisions;
  • gives strength to cope with addictions.

Myths and legends

One of legends says that bible precepts were traced on Lapis lazuli plates. One more myth about origin of a stone is as follows: creating the earth, the sky and water, God at some point thought that the earth looks too blankly and gloomy. He collected a little water and heaven and disseminated through all land surface that it became brighter. And there was a Lapis lazuli.

Deposits of stone/h2>

The first mines were found in Persia. Today this mineral is extracted in the Badakhshansky field and also in Afghanistan, Tajikistan. There is a lot of fields worldwide, besides Badakhshana, qualitative stones receive on Pamir.


by Администратор Главный

Moonstone – mineral, surprising on beauty, which was always considered as a gift of the Moon! It calms the owner and is capable to save it from negative freight. Especially suits women as strengthens a natural charm. It is considered that jewelry with this mineral attracts true love.

Medical and magical properties

The moonstone favorably influences mentality, calms nerves, is capable to suppress angry flashes or rough emotions. It is considered that pendants and bracelets from it help to pull out, improve the general state and take off fatigue. The stone is useful to normalization of a dream, lowers force and reduces frequency of epileptic seizures. In general, improves a condition of mentality and brain activity. Well influences work of heart and the vascular system.
Mystics and esoterics allocated it with the following qualities:

  • as the mascot of true love, attracts pure feelings in life;
  • helps to resolve the conflicts;
  • awakens imagination;
  • strengthens an intuition;
  • gives forces and activates the hidden energy.

People of creative tendencies and professions can use a stone as a mascot.

Myths and legends

Once Long's goddess went down on the earth and wandered among the sleeping human settlements. It and on the earth radiated soft light and where passed, this shine left a mark. By the dawn such traces hardened, addressing a stone of amazing purity.

Deposits of stone

The richest mine is located on Sri Lanka today. Developments are conducted near St. Petersburg. Fields are available in the USA, Tanzania, on Madagascar.


by Администратор Главный

Malachite – the beautiful stone long since enjoying love and popularity. It was applied to a make-up, it became the mascot preserving children, was used in magic ceremonies. The symbol of knowledge and wisdom, this mineral is used in jewelry and decorative hand-made articles. The stone well affects human health. Litoterapevta recommend to put a plate to a sore point to facilitate pain.

Medicinal and magic properties

Malachite was called a health stone as it:

  • reduces inflammations and returns to skin fresh complexion;
  • reduces allergic manifestations;
  • favorably influences organs of vision;
  • stops bronchial cough;
  • well influences joints and a backbone;
  • strengthens a cardiovascular system;
  • it is applied at a toothache;
  • reduces a pain syndrome at radiculitis, etc.

It is possible to distinguish from magic properties:

  • cleans power and promotes opening of the third eye;
  • protects from a negative stream;
  • brings happiness, helps to reach harmony in family life and love;
  • helps travelers;
  • it allows to be exempted from the power of the past and to have hard times;
  • allocates the owner with attractiveness, attracts an opposite sex.

Myths and legends

There is a history confirming ability of malachite to protect from diseases. Once in Ancient Egypt there was cholera epidemic. The disease claimed many lives, people terribly suffered. And only those who worked in malachite mines did not undergo infection. Having seen it, Egyptians believed in force of a stone and began to esteem it especially.

of the Field of a stone

Large-scale deposits of malachite are located in the Ural Mountains. There are mines in Namibia, Zaire. Get a stone and in France. In Israel the field is also located.