
by Юлия Тараник

Amethyst is a transparent or semitransparent stone of purple shades, a type of quartz. It harmonizes one's mind, relieves stress, improves blood circulation, facilitates intellectual development and personal growth. It is considered also good for headaches and insomnia, may serve as an antidote, helps to get rid of alcoholism and gives its owner insight by opening its third eye (linked to the Ajna chakra). While used in meditation, it helps to relax and calm down. Placed under one's pillow, amethyst brings good dreams.

Healing and magical properties

Amethyst helps:
  • to strengthen your nervous system;
  • with normalization of functioning of certain departments of brain;
  • to clean blood and to encourage the blood formation;
  • to level up your intelligence;
  • to cure speech impediments;
  • with confronting the vices, especially drunkenness;
  • to charm against wounds and skin diseases;
  • with learning of how to control your emotions;
  • to alleviate mental sufferings;
  • to reach the peace of mind.

Myths and legends

There's a legend of Dionysus, the god of merriment and wine, associated with amethyst. He had a tendency to fall in love all the time – as well as had the other gods of the Greek pantheon. One day he met a beautiful nymph named Amethyst and fell in love with her. But she flatly rejected him. The point was that she was already in love with someone else.
Dionysus was persistent, but all in vain. In the end Artemis intervened. Upon her will the nymph turned into a wonderfully beautiful stone, capable of resisting inebriety.

Amethyst deposits

Amethyst is common throughout the world. Its crystals are usually found in the fractures and cavities of igneous rocks. The best stones are mined on Kola Peninsula, in Brazil, the Ural Mountains, North America and Uruguay. There are also more modest deposits in Germany, Armenia, and Madagascar, and even in Ceylon.


by Администратор Главный

Aventurine is quartz subspecies with the smallest impregnations of mica which add flickering shine. Has several shades. The name in different cultures changed according to the attributed magic and other properties, so, in Russia was called златоискр, and in China – "a love stone". The settled name was born in Italy. Stones of different shades had different properties: pink – helped to meet the beloved and to start a family, orange — in trade, cherry — to realize talent, etc. The stone differs in favorable impact on nervous system, stabilizes an emotional background, helps to restore the dream mode. Well influences skin, it is applied at diseases of a thyroid gland and GIT.

Medical and magical properties

Aventurine has various properties:

  • helps to achieve success;
  • protects from external negative impact and sorrows;
  • well influences nervous system and improves work as cardiovascular;
  • helps at diseases of respiratory organs;
  • eliminates migraines;
  • strengthens memory;
  • differs in salutary action at urolithic diseases.

It is worth remembering that concrete properties will depend on a shade.

Myths and legends

Legends attribute to owners of a stone surprising luck and success in affairs, including on the love front. Aventurine allows to remain always with the easy head and clear thoughts, without allowing to deceive the owner. Self-confidence and a positive spirit do owners of sparkling mineral by winners!

Deposits of stone

The richest fields are developed in Russia, Austria, India and Brazil. Blue aventurine is extracted near Salzburg, green — Indian. In Spain there is a field of a red-brown stone, and yellow bring from America.


by Администратор Главный

Agate is the semiprecious kind of quartz and chalcedony differing in good durability. Easily resists to the increased acidity therefore it is applied to production of the vessels used in the chemical industry. In many myths the ability to distinguish good people from bad is attributed to agate. The stone strengthens health, well influences brain activity, gives inspiration. Being a source of rest and harmony, agate cleans aura of the house and allocates it with favorable energy.

Medical and magical properties

Agate is famous for a set of merits:

  • the dream calms, gives pleasant dreams;
  • helps to cope with fever;
  • cures GIT problems;
  • well influences at respiratory diseases;
  • reduces quantity of asthmatic attacks;
  • positively influences heart;
  • calms and strengthens nervous system;
  • allocates the owner with courage, inspiration, activates creative energy;
  • in the house cleans space from a negative.

Myths and legends

There is a legend telling about how agate received the name. Once in the territory of Ancient Greece there lived eagles of tremendous force and reason. One of settlements was attacked somehow by the angry magician, and the eagle who was flying by in height could not endure the atrocities created by it. He went down and battled against the magician. And though won, itself gave life for civilians. Eyes kind heart of an eagle turned into two large agate. Besides, this stone sometimes call "the Creator's eye".

Deposits of stone

Agate is extracted from volcanic breeds, its large-scale deposits are in Brazil and Uruguay. Also it is extracted in the Urals, there are mines in the Caucasus. Besides it is delivered from Africa, South America, India and Mongolia. There are certain sites on production in the Crimea.


by Администратор Главный

Aquamarine is the beryl subspecies differing in an azure, blue or blue color. Green versions meet. The name comes from Latin as the stone was considered as Poseidon's gift. Well influences an organism, strengthens the immune system, protects from rumors and reveals a lie, can dim if the owner is threatened by misfortune.

Medical and magical properties

Aquamarine has the whole range of merits. Modern litoterapevta claim that:

  • the stone favorably influences a liver and digestive tract;
  • helps to cope with the illnesses of airways, including with tuberculosis;
  • positively influences sore joints and it is recommended to those who suffers from arthrosis or arthritis;
  • promotes treatment from an allergy;
  • favorably influences other skin diseases, it is useful at eczema, dermatitis of different character;
  • it is recommended at varicosity;
  • normalizes work of a thyroid gland;
  • improves sight.

It is possible to distinguish the following from magic means:

  • helps the owner to feel more surely and to see a lie in others words;
  • strengthens, does stronger and is more hardy;
  • allows to reach compromise and to agree with others;
  • helps to keep love.

Myths and legends

Besides the myth that Poseidon presented aquamarine to people there are other legends of its origin. For example, such: young beloved were separated, and the young man died in the sea abyss. His bride came every day to the ocean coast and mourned it. The cleanest tears hardened in cold waves and turned into semi-precious stones of unprecedented beauty.

Deposits of stone

Aquamarines are extracted in Transbaikalia, the Ilmen mountains and in the Urals. Brazil is considered the leader in production. Quality stones are got in Nigeria, deliver them from Pakistan and Afghanistan. Besides, fields are scattered across the territory of India, China, are available in America (northern continent) and Argentina. In the countries of Europe it is got in Ireland and in Norway.


by Администратор Главный

Ametrine combines beauty of amethyst and citrine. He gives to the owner understanding and learns how to live in harmony with the world, besides well influences the immune system, allows to get rid of insomnia. Is suitable for extraordinary and creative persons, allowing them to disclose talent and to be implemented fully.

Medical and magical properties

The main property of this stone is that it is for the owner a powerful source to quiet positive energy. In addition:

  • favorably influences nervous system;
  • purifies blood from toxins;
  • normalizes a dream;
  • pushes to development and saves from apathy;
  • helps to create the harmonious relations;
  • can disclose extraordinary abilities in the owner;
  • pacifies negative power.

Myths and legends

The sad legend is connected with distribution of an ametrin. The Spanish conquistador, having arrived to coast of America, met the daughter of the leader of the Indian tribe. It was so beautiful that heart of the conquistador thawed and therefore he took it in the wife. But happiness them proceeded not for long — the girl was seriously ill. Before death she gave the husband as a gift Ametrine which was stored in the tribe that evil spirits did not push to wars. The conquistador accepted a gift and after the funeral returned home, and the stone presented to the queen of Spain. It with great attention treated beautiful semi-precious stone and began to decorate with it the nightly toilets, having generated thereby fashion for this surprising stone.

Deposits of stone

The largest field is located in Bolivia for what in certain cases the stone is called a boliviant. In addition Ametrine it is delivered from Brazil. The stone rather rare and in other places of the planet does not meet.


by Администратор Главный

Apatite — the mineral reminding topaz at a facet. Has the phosphatic nature. In itself it is colourless, but impurity give it a set of shades. It is considered that it brings to the owner calm, a pacification, that is stabilizes nervous system and well influences mental and emotional states.

Medical and magical properties

Generally apatite has an impact on nervous system and mentality:

  • calms and allows to have stresses easier;
  • normalizes a dream;
  • gives the chance to keep emotions under control.

It is energetically strongly attached to the owner therefore can become a fine mascot. Helps to expect failures, can become a source of prophetic dreams. If at the owner yet not shown disease begins, the stone grows dull. It is the sign that it is time to be examined by doctors.

Myths and legends

Apatite is seldom mentioned in legends. Its name came from Greek "to deceive" as depending on the impurity which are contained in it allowed jewelers to make stones, in accuracy similar to some other semiprecious and bright minerals, for example, on topaz, beryl.

Deposits of stone

Apatite is seldom extracted commercially, but meets almost everywhere. The large-scale deposit is on the Kola Peninsula. It is got also in Transbaikalia. A number of fields are located in North Africa, are available in the countries of Europe (Finland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Norway). It is got in America, Brazil, India.


by Администратор Главный

Berill is silicate. This beautiful stone belongs to precious. Favorably influences an organism of women, improves a metabolism, activity of a brain, helps to keep good relations in family. The emerald, aquamarine, helior belong to the main versions, avgustit, fenakit, etc.

Medical and magical properties

Beryl is considered a family stone. He helps to improve the relations between spouses, strengthens their feelings to each other and mutual passion. Besides, gives to the owner ability will evade from failures and allows to achieve success in a professional field. Improves concentration, helps to place priorities, forces to aspire and achieve goals. Litoterapevta note that beryl:

  • strengthens the immune system of the person;
  • favorably influences a GIT;
  • allows to improve a condition of patients with hepatitis;
  • well helps at gynecologic diseases.

Beryl and for prediction of destiny is used.

Myths and legends

The stone was used still by the Egyptian Pharaohs and has rich history.
One of legends of origin of this stone says that when God expelled Lucifer from heaven, the fallen angel missed beryl from the crown. Most likely, it is about a green emerald which is considered one of the most expensive types.

Deposits of stone

In the territory of Russia fields are located in the Urals and in the territory of Siberia. Deposits are available in Brazil, the USA. Also production is conducted in India, on Madagascar, in Namibia. According to some information the mines are available also in Ukraine (on Volhynia).


by Администратор Главный

Turquoise attracts happiness to the owner. This fragile, having a specific shade mineral can often be met in jewelry. The stone has a special impact on mental capacities of the owner, besides, it preserves against failures and troubles, protects from sorrows and diseases, gives long life.

Medicinal and magic properties

It is possible to distinguish the following from numerous qualities of turquoise especially:

  • helps to stabilize a psychoemotional state, to cope with a depression;
  • strengthens immunity, saves from chronic fatigue;
  • improves a metabolism;
  • well influences lungs;
  • normalizes a dream, eliminating insomnia;
  • accelerates regeneration of fabrics.

It is the fine protective charm pushing the owner to self-realization, is a symbol of romantics, guarantee of firm friendship.

Myths and legends

About turquoise a set of legends in east cultures. It is considered that from this stone there were table vytesana on which Magomet brought precepts to the people. Myths about the grieving lovers, rings with turquoise — the traditional gift confirming deep feelings are especially poetical. On a legend, the stone concluded in a frame predicted about misfortunes or unfaithfulness, allowed lovers to feel each other at distance.

of the Field of a stone

The most qualitative stones get in Iran, before all field were open on the Sinai Peninsula. Besides the mines are and the USA, in France, is in Afghanistan and in Australia. The small field is available in Russia, China and India.

White Quartz

by Администратор Главный
White Quartz

White Quartz long since fascinated people by surprising purity. Bowls from crystal used for clarification of wine from poison. It well influences cerebration, has the curative properties confirmed with modern litoterapevta. It is a stone of fortunetellers and prophets from which created magic spheres, it was appreciated at all times.

Medical and magical properties

It is necessary to distinguish the following from useful qualities:

  • reduces pain from grazes, helps to reduce or remove hematomas;
  • reduces temperature at fever;
  • favorably influences nervous system, improves a dream;
  • it is applied during massage;
  • heals wounds;
  • releases the hidden potential of the person, including ekstrasensorny abilities;
  • gives to the owner the chance to calm down and put thoughts in order, is a symbol of logicality of reason.

Myths and legends

Was considered that gods will not dare to refuse to the person who entered the temple with a bowl from White Quartz. Greeks very much appreciated a stone, and even Neron used pair cups for drink from this mineral. In many cultures it became attribute of mysticism and sorcery, magicians, shamans and witches used stone forces to begin to see clearly the future and to contact with the highest forces.

Deposits of stone

Large crystals get only on Central Ural Mountains and also in the Alps (French and Swiss). Other fields are located in Yakutia, Brazil, are available in Kazakhstan and China.


by Администратор Главный

Garnet is called the stone of love. It gives the wisdom to women and determination and courage to men. This stone has healing properties, long ago it was used for wounds. It was thought to help keep in touch with the world of the dead.

Healing and magical properties


The following properties are best known:

  • accelerates blood clotting and helps tissue regeneration;
  • strengthen immune system;
  • improves gastrointestinal function;
  • it has a beneficial effect on the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • relieves chronic migraines.

The stone allows its owners to unleash the internal potential, especially leveraging the power features. As a symbol of love relationships, garnet strengthens feelings, allowing women to gain maturity, and men – loyalty. Among magical practices it had been often used as a bridge, which could would spirits use for a contact.

Myths and legends


There are many myths about the origin and properties of garnet. So, there is a belief that this stone, shining with a divine glow, was used by Noah during the Great flood. According to other legends, garnet is not a stone at all, but a frozen divine blood that fell to the ground and was absorbed by the rocks.


Stone deposits


Amazing stone is mined in many corners of the globe. In Russia, the main mines are in the Urals, in Europe they are in Finland. Large deposits are located in Brazil and Madagascar. According to geological data, the bulk of the garnet is located on the Kola Peninsula.