
by Администратор Главный

People have known opal since ancient times and attributed many magical properties to this noble stone. It appears in different colours: over 100 varieties can be identified. The stone was used to protect the owner from the evil eye and bad spell, from negative influences, to relieve sick headaches. As a talisman, it could keep wicked powers and maladies away from a child..

Healing and Magical Properties

Opal is especially beneficial for mental health: it may help one out of depression, balance one’s state of mind. Those who have problems with sleep can get rid of nightmares and insomnia. Opal drives obsessions and phobias away. It also improves heart performance, vision, and is a good remedy for headaches.
Opal is noted for the following magical properties:

  • stirring up creative power;
  • transforming the environment
  • protecting from magic spell;
  • bringing back rational thinking.
The stone assists in forming a harmonious attitude to the world.

Myths and Legends

Mystic origin has always been ascribed to opals. Australians believed that a divinity had come down to Earth to teach people, and where its feet touched the ground colourful shining stones remained. Another legend was told in India. The goddess of rainbow, who possessed an unusual beauty, was adored by men so much that they kept pursuing her. Trying to escape them the goddess fell down, and as she hit the ground, she turned into multicoloured opals.

Deposits of stone

Most of the stones come to the market from mines in Australia and Ethiopia. Besides, opals can be found in Transbaikal, Chukotka, Primorye Region. Opal fields are developed in Brazil, Honduras, USA.